Dr. I. S. Jain Memorial Oration

(1929 – 2016)
Legendary teacher, researcher and an unparalleled eye surgeon
- Born on 6 June, 1929
- 1952: MBBS, K.G. Medical College, Lucknow.
- Best graduate (Hewett Medalist) with several distinctions
- After a year in Ophthalmology at KGMC he resigned and went to UK; did DO and FRCS.
- 1954 to 1957:Worked in Moorefield Eye Hospital, London, St. Paul’s Eye Hospital, Liverpool and Ashford Hospital, Middlesex
- 1958: Returned to India
Illustrious academic career
- Registrar in Irwin Hospital (now LNJP Hospital) he moved to Rohtak as Incharge of a 230 bedded eye hospital.
- 1971: He became Professor.
- 1969-1989: Headed the Department of Ophthalmology at PGI.
- After his superannuation, he was appointed Emeritus Professor.
- 1990: President of All India ophthalmological Society (AIOS)
- He was instrumental in formation and registration of COS.
- He got COS affiliated to AIOS during his tenure as President.
- Introduced the concept of running special clinics in India laying the foundation of subspecialties in Ophthalmology.
- Credited with creating a unique structured post graduate teaching and training program in Ophthalmology at the PGIMER
- In a true sense, he was the guiding force behind the present day Advanced Eye Centre, PGIMER.

- Prof. Jain published more that 300 papers that were extensively cited in System of Ophthalmology by Duke-Elder and contemporary literature.
- Some of his original observations and contributions include
- Beneficial effect of Myopia> 5.0D on diabetic retinopathy.
- High IOP and Diabetic retinopathy
- CSR: A glucocorticoid effect.
- Sympathetic ophthalmia simulating VKH
- Extracapsular Surgery in Fuch’s Uveitis
- Ocular changes in Taka yasu’s diseas
- Smoking as risk factor for cataractogeneis
- At the PGIMER, he headed a programme for the ‘Rural reintegration of the incurably blind’.
- In the early 1970’s, with a group of Rotarians andOphthalmologists Dr. Jain founded a Society for the Care of the Blind which today has taken shape as the Institute for the Blind in Sector 26, Chandigarh.
Teacher for all times………
- He trained hundreds of Ophthalmologists who have carriedforward his legacy all over the world, many of his students went on to occupy distinguished chairs and play a major leadership role.
- Legacy of Prof. Jain will continue through his students and the several generations of ophthalmologists trained by them.
- Prof. I S Jain has left behind a legacy of honesty, integrity, punctuality, equity and excellence.
Dr. I. S. Jain Memorial Oration Awardees
1. | Dr. Amod Gupta |
2. | Dr. Samar Basak |
3. | Padma Shri Prof. Jagat Ram |
4. | Dr. M R Dogra |