Constitution and By-Laws

Article I: Name

The name of the society shall be “Chandigarh Ophthalmological Society”. The term ‘Society’ shall imply the “Chandigarh Ophthalmological Society” hereinafter used in the constitution.

Article II: Governance

The Society shall be governed by the Constitution and its Bye-Laws.

Article III: Registered Office

The registered office of the Society be located at a place or address of the Honorary Secretary.

Article IV: Objects

The objects of the Society shall be the cultivation and promotion of the study and practice of ophthalmic sciences with a view to render service to the community and to promote social contacts among Ophthalmologists by:

  1. Oraganizing Conferences, symposia, seminars, workshops, refresher courses etc. for promotion and mutual exchange of knowledge.
  2. Promoting Scientific, clinical, experiment, community and file research in Ophthalmology.
  3. Instituting awards, orations and prizes.
  4. Promoting teaching, training and continuing education in Ophthalmology by establishing and maintaining reference library, publishing jounrnals and proceedings of the Society and other such materials. Also to publish newsletter, bulletin, jounrnal, members directory etc. for the benefit of the members.
  5. Organizing exhibitions of machinery, implements, tools appliances etc. pertaining to ophthalmology with a view to encourage and improve the manufacture of such instruments and appliances in India.
  6. Encourage eventual affiliation to State / National Associations.
  7. Co-operating with other Medical Society / Associations.
  8. Promoting of social contact and creation of goodwill amongst the Ophthalmologists of the region / India / World by fostering strategic alliances, mutual exchange of resource persons / delegates.
  9. Ensuring ethical practice, and professional conduct of its members, other ophthalmologists, other medical personnel.
  10. Watching and advising on legislation / happenings affecting Ophthalmic practice, Ophthalmologists and science of Ophthalmology.
  11. Raising finance through subscription, contributions, donations/sponsorship from members and non-members.
  12. Acquiring movable and immovable property and assets. Purchasing, constructing, altering, maintaining, selling, running or mortgaging properties that may be necessary for the aforesaid objectives.
  13. Framing Bye-laws, Rules and Regulations and to amend, add, alter or delete the same as and when necessary.
  14. Doing all such other things as may be incidental to or conducive to the attainment of the aims and objectives of the Society.

Article V: Membership

  1. Qualification
  2. The membership of the Society shall be restricted to Medical Practitioners holding Allopathic qualifications recognized under Schedule I or III of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 and Postgraduate qualification like MD / MD / DOMS or equivalent from a recognized Institute / University of India / abroad. There will not be any temporary / annual members. The prospective member will apply and the membership will be conferred by the executive after scrutiny of application. The fee once paid is non-refundable.

  3. Honorary Membership
  4. Persons who have rendered unequivocal service to the promotion of Ophthalmology will be eligible to be conferred Honorary membership on the recommendation of the Executive. Eminent Ophthalmologists who are not the members of the Society can also be conferred Hon. Membership of Society on the approval of the executive. Present Presidents of All India Ophthalmological Society and DOS will be made Honorary Members (Ex-Officio) of the society after their consent is received.

    The awardees of the Dr. A. D. Grover Memorial Oration can also be conferred Honorary Membership. Persons approved by the Executive for Hon. Membership will be conferred the same at the next General Body Meeting. Hon. Members will be entitled to participate in all the activities of the Society but shall not be entitled to vote at a meeting or hold any office.

  5. Outstation Members
  6. Members residing in Chandigarh / Mohali / Punchkula or working within limits of above towns will be called Chandigarh Members. Members neither residing nor working in the above said areas will be call ‘Outstation Members’. Outstation members status will depend upon the official address available in the official records of the Chandigarh Ophthalmological Society. If a member changes his/her address after initial membership obtained, the office should be informed accordingly for rectification. This provision will not have retrospective effect.

Article VI: Subscription

There will be only life members, the subscription will be Rs.1,500/- which can be reviewed every 3 years. However, the President can allow Associate Members @ Rs. 500 for residents / Army personnel etc. who can become full members after payment of remaining dues.

Article VII: Cessation of Membership

  1. Membership of the Society will cease –
    1. By voluntary resignation
    2. If the Executive Committee decides by a two-thirds membership for any proved unprofessional behavior or conduct and is confirmed by the General Body at the next meeting. Before any disciplinary action of such a nature is taken, the offending member will be served with a notice writing to appear before the next meeting of the Executive Committee, and will be given an opportunity to explain his conduct. A member in this category, whose professional conduct is under scrutiny / question by the public / executive committee of C.O.S. will have all privileged of membership suspended and cannot claim any post in executive.

Article VIII: General Body

  1. Life Members shall constitute the General Body of the Society.
  2. It shall govern the affairs of the Society through its elected office bearers and committees.
  3. Meetings:
    1. It shall hold annual General Body meeting.
    2. The General Body meeting can be called by any of the following.
      1. The President.
      2. On a requisition signed by atleast 4 members of the Executive Committee.
      3. On a requisition signed by atleast 25% of members of the Society.
    3. Quorum – Minimum of 25% members shall form the quorum. For Constitutional amendment also the quorum shall be 25% of the total members on roll of the Society on that day.
    4. All General Body Meeting’s will be held in a common place preferably IMA House if available.

Article IX: Executive Committee

The affairs of the Society shall be managed by the Managing Committee elected by the General Body.

  1. Composition – It shall consist of:
    1. Office bearers of the Society
      1. President
      2. Senior Vice-President
      3. Vice President
      4. Hon. Secretary
      5. Joint Secretary
      6. Treasurer
      7. Library Officer
    2. Functions
      1. Executive Committee shall act on behalf of the General Body for running the affairs of the Society under its constitution and Bye-Laws.
      2. It shall carry out the policies and mandate of the Society and shall be responsible to it.
      3. It shall have powers to invest and deal the moneys of the Society and to borrow such sums of money as it may resolve as tending to benefit of the Society.
      4. Such moneys and properties of the Society which are not currently utilized for the object of the Society, may be invested in such manner in Banks and in such ways as the Executive Committee may at their discretion think proper. The Executive Committee may change the investment in order to better fulfill the objects of the Society.
      5. The Executive Committee shall have power to purchase, construct or acquire on lease or in exchange or on hire, by gift or otherwise, any real or personal property and any rights or privilege necessary or convenient for the purpose of the Society and to improve, develop, manage, sell, mortgage, dispose off, turn to account or otherwise deal with all or any part of the property of the Society, not vested in the trust.
      6. The Executive Committee may constitute as Many Committees as it may deep fit for furtherance of the objects of the Society. These committees may form Bye-Laws of their own for their functioning with the approval of the Executive Committee.
      7. Decision and recommendations of the Executive Committee should be subject to approval of the General Body.
    3. Meetings
      1. The Honorary Secretary shall generally circulate the agenda for the meetings at least a week before the holding of the meeting.
      2. The President when present shall preside at the meeting of the Executive Committee. In his absence, the Senior Vice-President and in his absence Vice-President shall officiate for him. In the absence of the President and Vice-President the meeting may elect it’s own chairman; and for the purpose of the meeting he shall have all the powers of the President. Vice President will also act as laision officer (on behalf of the COS) for the activities of the All India Ophthalmological Society (AIOS).
      3. The President or Chairman in the event of a tie will have a casting vote.
      4. The voting may be by show of hands, or by ballot whichever is decided by the President.
      5. Whenever it is found inconvenient to call a meeting of the Executive Committee and whenever the Hony. Secretary deems it desirable that the opinion of the Executive Committee be obtained, he shall do so by post or by circulation and act in accordance with the view of the majority.

Article X: Election Procedure

  1. Secretary shall invite nominations from amongst Chandigarh members for various posts atlest 30 days before the due date along with preliminary notice of the meeting. The proposal must be received on or before a date specified by him.
  2. Secretary should keep everything ready so that Elections if necessary can be completed expeditiously by secret ballot.
  3. Only Chandigarh members shall be allowed to vote. Treasurer will therefore keep ready an upto date list of such members during election time.
  4. President will constitute an Election Committee of 3 members with one of them as Chairman / Returning Officer. Decision of the Committee shall be final. An aggrieved candidate may represent to Election Committee within 48 hours of the announcement of the result.
  5. The outgoing officer bearers must hand over change by delivering all relevant papers of the Society such as cheque books, FDRs, pass books, registers correspondence, stationary, books of accounts and Library books etc. to the newly elected body. The inventory of all the papers and property shall be signed by the outgoing and incoming president.

Article XI: Election and Tenure of Office Bearers

The society shall elect the following office bearers:

  1. The Vice-President shall be elected by the General Body at a meeting. He will hold office upto the next financial year and then become the Senior Vice-President. He should have been a member for a minimum period of 5 years and should be of good standing (no case of professional misconduct pending against him) and should have preferably served in the executive committee for atleast one term.
  2. The Secreaty, Treasurer and the other executive members will be elected by a meeting of the General Body for period of 3 years.
  3. The election will be by secret ballot as per conditions and procedures laid down in Bye-laws.
  4. The senior Vise-President of the previous year will become president from the commencement of the following financial year and will continue to be in office throughout the year till relieved by his successor at the commencement of the next financial year.
  5. In the event of mid term vacancies occurring among office bearers the following secession procedure shall be effective.
    1. President will be succeeded by Senior Vice-President.
    2. Senior Vice-President, will be succeeded by Vice-President.
    3. Honorary Secretary will be succeeded by Joint Secretary.
    4. Other Office bearers and members may be elected by the Executive Committee. The members so elected shall hold office for the period for the period for which his predecessor would have functioned.
  6. Office Bearers and Committee members shall cease to hold office.
    1. When the period of their election is over.
    2. If any resolution, the General Body decides by a 2/3 of by majority of members present that certain office bearer or bearers be removed from office.

Article XII: Functions of the President and Vice-President

The President – He will act on behalf of the Society and will represent the Society during his tenure. He shall regulate the proceedings of the Society and the Executive Committee. He shall uphold the constitution and enforce the rules and regulations famed thereunder. He shall preside over all the functions of the Society and meetings of the General body and executive Committee.

In the absence of the President, the Senior Vice-President and in his absence the Vice-President shall officiate him.

Article XIII: Functions of the Honorary Secretary

  1. The Hony. Secretary shall manage all correspondence and shall keep the minutes of the Society and Committee meetings which will be read and confirmed at the following meeting respectively. He will organize conferences, academic meetings, social get-together and all other meetings, as decided. He shall have charge of the office and keep a register of all papers communicated to him. He shall be responsible to the Society for carrying out the resolution of the Society. All records shall be open to inspection by all member of the Society.
  2. All documents, convenants, contracts shall be made jointly by the Hon. Secretary, the President and the Treasures.
  3. The property of the Society shall be under the control of the Honrary Secretary.
  4. The Hon. Secretary may incur an amount stipulated in the Bye-laws without the previous sanction of the Executive Committee and not provided in the budget.

Article XIV: Function of the Treasurer

  1. The Treasurer shall receive life membership fee or any other money due to the Society and shall make all payments in accordance with any ruled framed by the Executive Committee, and shall keep an accurate account of all such transactions and every receipt given shall be signed by him. He will prepare a statement regarding the financial position of the Society jointly with the Secretary which will be audited by a committee appointed by Executive Committee or by the certified auditors and present the same at the annual meeting of the General Body for adaption.
  2. The Treasurer shall prepare an annual budget of the Society and place it before the Executive Committee for approval. The budget as approved by the Executive Committee shall be placed before the General Body for final sanction.
  3. The accounts shall be operated jointly by any two of the following office bearers.
    1. President
    2. Vice President
    3. Hon. Secretary
    4. Treasurer
  4. He shall maintain a list of current life membership and their addresses.

Article XV: Finances

  1. The account shall be maintained by the Treasurer under separate heads. It will include all receipts by way of:
    1. Subscriptions
    2. Sale of any property belonging to the Society and payments made for the holding of the conferences, printing, stationery etc. required for an efficient working of the Society.
    3. Such donations as may be received from time to time.
    4. Any other income.
  2. Accounts: The COS will take the help of C.A. to get guidance/help in maintain accounts and advice on tax matters and to represent COS before IT Deptt. If and when necessary.
    1. Life Membership: The amount in this account will be kept separate and put in long term FD. This FDR amount will not be encashed, except with the permission of General Body; in case emergency. However, the interest received on this account may be used in running the Society.
    2. General Account: This will include all other receipts / income of the Society. All expenses incurred on various awards / memories / etc. instituted by the Society and expenses in running the Society will done from this account. This can be operated by the Hony. Secretary along with another senior member of executive, jointly.
    3. The financial year of the Society will be from April, 1 to March 31 next year. Accordingly the term of the present executive may be adjusted once.

Article XVI: Bye-Laws

The Society under its constitution shall frame Bye-Laws for smooth functioning of the affairs of the Society.

Article XVII: Amendment of the Constitution of Bye-Laws

  1. Quorum for constitutional amendment shall be atleast 25% of the total life membership on rolls of the Society on that day.
  2. Any amendment, addition, alteration in the Constitution shall be made on approval by 2/3 majority of the members present in the General Body meeting.
  3. The Executive Committee may recommend any amendment, addition, alteration to the Constitution, provided they gie, atleast 30 days clear notice with the details of proposed amendment to the members of the Society before the General Body Meeting.
  4. Any member may propose an amendment, addition, alteration to the Constitution giving a minimum of 60 days clear notice before the General Body Meeting. The proposed amendment shall be submitted in writing and shall be duly seconded and signed by five other members of the Society.

Article XVIII: Library

  1. The Library shall be placed at a central place eventually and at the convenient place to begin with.
  2. The Library Officer will be responsible for proper management of Library, and inventory of books and audio-video aids. He will execute all the recommendations of the Executive Committee/General Body. He will submit his accounts to the executive. He may be assisted by a litrary committee.

Article XIX: Newsletter and Members Directory

The Society shall undertake to publish newsletter, bulletins, journal, memorandum or other documents from time to time as decided by the Executive Committee or General Body.

Article XX: Affiliation / alliance to other Societies

The Society can get affilliated to the state national or international societies interested in Ophthalmology or allied fields. It may act as host for the Scientific Conference of such Societies.

Article XXI: Prized and Trophies

  1. Prizes adn Trophies
  2. The Society may constitute awards, prized or trophies to individuals or institutions for – services rendered to the Society, contributions in the filed of Ophthalmology and raising the standard of clinical meetings on the recommendations of the Exeuctive Committee.
  3. Dr. A.D. Grover Memorial Oration Award will be conferred every year on an eminent ophthalmologist.
  4. Presidents Medal – for 100% in monthly clinical meetings will be conferred on a distinguished member. Members of COS Executive are not entitled for this award.
  5. The executive may institute any commemorative awards/trophies if suitably financed. The amount should be a minimum of Rs. 50,000.00, which should be placed in a fixed deposit.

Article XXII: Visitors

Any member of the medical profession or any other eminent person may attend the meeting of the society on being introduced to the members with the permission of the Chairman of the meeting.

Article XXIII: Misuse of Designation by Office Bearers or Members of the Society

No member of the Society shall use Office bearer’s or member’s designation on their private personal letter-heads and visiting cards etc. and in their personal correspondence. Any news regarding the activities of the Society, to any news media shall be given only by the President or secretary after President’s approval.

Article XXIV: Supply of Constitution

A copy of the Constitution shall be provided free by the Secretary at the time of enrolment of the Member, Additional copies can be had on such payment as fixed by the Executive Committee.

Article XXV: Litigation

The jurisdiction of all litigation in respect of the Society shall be Chandigarh.

Article XXVI: Dissolution of the Society

If upon dissolution of the Society there shall remain after satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among members of the Society, but shall be given or transferred to Association or Associations. Institution or institutions having objects similar to any of the objects of the Society to the determinate by the votes of not less than 2/3 of the members present personally or by proxy in meeting at or before the time of the dissolution or in default thereof by decision of High Court.

Contact Us

Chandigarh Ophthalmological Society

Dr. Amit Gupta (President, COS)

Cornea and Refractive Surgery Services
Advanced Eye Centre, PGIMER, Chandigarh

Dr. Parul Ichhpujani (Hony. Secretary, COS)

Glaucoma and Neurophthalmology Services
Govt Medical College and Hospital, Chandigarh